Hello everyone out there in Blogsville Township:
Hoping everyone out there had a fine Thanksgiving!
I see where the spending on Black Friday (sounds more like Halloween, no?!) is UP 1%.
I read today that on Cyber Monday (sounds like its just "out there" somewhere!) is expecting to spend $821 million UP 12% from last year! Beware though that this is one of the worst days for threats to your computer. PC security experts say there were be a plague of them attempting to break into your system.
Finally, the 12 Days of Christmas is UP 10.9% to $86,609 from $78,100 last year!
Mortgage rates are also DOWN from previous rates!
More interesting to ourselves, is that the gas station profits are UP! That is because when we were all paying out over $4 a gallon their own profit margin was cut partially due to trying to keep pace with the "other" station down the block; credit card fees to themselves also rose being about 2.5% of the amount spent. That amount has also dropped due to the total sale being less than what it was months ago. The gross profit margins- the difference between wholesale and retail prices after taxes and freight- averaged about 9 cents a gallon vs. a typical 14 cents.
Somehow I still don't "really" feel sorry. Do you?
Stayed tuned for more upcoming events and of course, film at 11!
Take care.