I read yesterday that there is an issue that school districts are trying to manipulate the county assessments on residents, that would allow the houses to be reassessed if they are sold!
Can you imagine what that would do to the market that if you bought a house, you would be reassessed immediately? The state Supreme Court refused to hear a case out of Carbon County that challenged this. There were two bills introduced, being HB 1438 and SB 1247 less than a month previously.
They state that any local taxing district can appeal an assessment only when a property is subdivided, or when structures are added, improved, or removed. I am glad to say that the Lehigh Valley Assosication of Realtors opposes this. (The Morning Call 1/16/08).
By trying to do this, this goes against the present laws, and change wouold create quiter a bit of chaos to anyone buying a house. They just appear to never stop trying to put it to us property owners, do they?!